Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Afternoons with Mikie

Other people may have their own opinions but the best part of being in the real world to me is Sunday afternoons. Back in college, Sunday afternoons were packed with getting assignments done that I had put off all weekend for their Monday morning due dates. The real world says "To hell with that bullshit", as I relax on the couch (fourth time since I bought it months ago that I've sat on it) reading a magazine and listening to music on the iPod. Hell the only responsibilities that I have for today is watering the plants and maybe cleaning something if I don't take a nap instead. The added bonus of living by myself allows me to dance around my apartment with ear buds secured firmly in my ears and contemplation of whether I could climb on top of my hallway ceiling with the little nook left by the vaulted ceilings of my living room. I resist the urge (for now) believing that the only way to do so would involve scaling my kitchen cabinets or the pointless shelves next to the fireplace that are too deep for books but too narrow to fit my TV in (OK it could probably fit but the off center-ness of it would set off OCD sensors all over and reduce me to a shell of myself, lying in the fetal position on my living room floor). Anyway getting back to what I was saying, Sunday afternoons are fantastic in the real world. So just remember when you silly grad students are toiling away writing papers and reading over 200 pages, I'll be watching the collapse of the four "semi" pros that are in Tiger's path to another major championship and probably having another bowl of Coco Pebbles.


-P said...

As always, you have telepathically plagiarized my very thought process. But it's ok, b/c I never patented my intellectual property.
But yeah, as awesome as college was, it's even more awesome to have my Sunday afternoons free again for naps and video games and movies. Sundays really did suck in school to the point where Saturday was really the only day that felt like a "day off".
Love the little jab at grad students. You could not pay me enough to go back to school. At least not unless you paid me a whole lot.
The final nail in the camel's back? The Cocoa Pebbles mention! The very cereal I've been eating as of late...! This blog is too trippy. But awesome.

Katie said...

::ahem:: screw you! =P because i know that comment is totally geared towards me.

but i'll be a grad student without classes in the fall =) so lots of free time and fun times to be had, possibly even visits to greer (IF you're nice!)