Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Feminine Mood Swings of South Carolina Spring Weather

After a weekend of downpours that had us stranded in bars trying to stay dry and intoxicated, it appears to be another fantastic Sunday afternoon in the south. I went out to my mini-greenhouse thing that I bought (could be nerdy and unmanly but I have a vision of making a garden on my balcony) and the seeds that I planted have started to come up. No change yet on the avacado pit though. In case you don't know, you start an avacado pit growing by putting a toothpick in the four sides so you can balance it on top of a glass of water so that half of it is in the water and half is not. Supposedly in a couple weeks its supposed to split and sprout and then you plant it in dirt. When I heard this I figured it was worth a try. I also wanted to try out my new camera so this post should have a little bit for everyone, even the people that don't want to read what I write.
Anyway this weekend was fun as we hit several bars while I tried unsuccessfully to keep my friend from passing out on another bathroom floor. However for some reason I didn't have two nights of full on bar hopping in me and called it a night early last night. This allowed for a hangover free drive home today and also the chance to watch the comedic masterpiece which is Blade 3. I'm sure that they didn't intend for it to be the laugh riot that it is, but with the beyond terrible script (made even funnier by the network cable editing) and the over seriousness of all characters involved, it turns out to be a hilarious car wreck that you can't look away from.
On Friday when we were at the bar, my friend had told me to keep him from smoking while we were there. Of course this was a lot harder with our server being this cock tease of a girl that he had recently been "dumped" by. So the one time when he was about to smoke this cigerette that she had left on the table for him, I tried to grab them out of his hand. What insued was me accidentally ripping both cigerettes in half and punching him in the eye. Now with his level of intoxication, I honestly expected to have my friend start a knock down drag out fight with me in the middle of the bar but the crisis was somehow averted. Made for a good funny story to tell later. He also tried to pick up this table of three women. I was sort of oblivious to the whole thing because they appeared to be at least two levels hotter than we could possibly pull off and I am honestly terrible with picking up women, especially at bars. Most of the time I wouldn't mind if one or two women took a liking to me while I'm hanging out with my friends, but I really dont care most of the time enough to make much of an effort. But he tapped me on the shoulder and had me turn around and join them, where I soon learned that he had accidentally spilled one of the girl's martini's on them while buying them a shot. I believe I cracked some smart alleck joke about this and caught the vibe that they were probably about two levels dumber then needed to pick up on sarcasm. So I turned back around, told my friend it seemed like a lost cause and went back to watching basketball. By the end of the night we were sufficiently sloshed and had managed to tick of before mentioned cock-tease so we called it a night and headed home, where he managed to fall asleep sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand, waiting for a response to his drunk texting.
Fun Times.

1 comment:

Marth said...

Spectacular. :D I can't laugh out loud here in the library (where I was reading your post) but I wanted to! Also, my dad has tried unsuccessfully to grow avocado plants from two pits now...the first one rotted, and the second one is well on its way. And yes we tried in the way you described. I hope your pit fares better. :D