Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reasons That USC is Stupid and Other Thoughts

Reason That USC is stupid: USC String Project. Its bad enough to call yourself a project, but then to have the singular "string" in the title and you sound like a group of retards. Of course I may be bitter because I had to change forty different signs today to reflect this. It still sounds stupid to me.

Also what is the deal with the 3:00AM political commercials? Did something leak out that Obama was a sound sleeper and would have a hard time answering a phone in the early morning hours? Also this whole Hilary "Obama won't win" thing shows how pathetic she is. Apparently shes not seeing the poles where over half of people in her own party think shes lame. It's funny, as the two person democratic race continues, I lose more and more respect for both of them. By voting time I will probably be back to voting Republican again. Hopefully I will get off my ass and change my voter registration to down here before that happens, absentee ballots feel like such a waste.

Moe's disappointed me today with their meat choices. I look in the little tubs and the chicken looks all burnt, the ground beef looked charred and like it had been sitting there for days and the steak looked semi normal, which made the decision easier but still made the food seem slightly less appetizing.

Yesterday I was sent out on the road crew with the installers. The installers in my opinion have the hardest job in the company. If they screw up the client bitches and then the boss will be pissed off and really a lot of it is one shot and done. Except when it came to the monument sign face yesterday that was supposed to be 84" across to fit in the space between the brick columns and it ended up being 85" across which was at least a quarter of an inch larger than the space provided. This caused us to have to beat on the brick column for three hours in the hot sun to get this sign face to fit. Tough work. Nothing but respect for the installers. It made me see a funny trend though with the business. Everyone has a problem with the group that comes before them. Designers have a problem with sales for not giving them enough information or bad pictures to make accurate drawings. Production have a problem with designers because their drawings don't have enough information to build the product. Installers have a problem with production because they don't build things the way that would make for good installation. And then the boss has a problem with production because he always wants the signs up faster then is possible with unforeseen delays. Its like a revolving pyramid of blame. Its hard to get too stressed out about it though, as a designer I'm only a small cog in the possibilities of things that can go wrong, all I can do is do my best.

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