Monday, April 28, 2008

About Puppies and Bunnies or Stuff

First off this is my new bed, picked it up last week and got nice white sheets for it, definitely going for the "sleeping on a cloud look. Heard light colors were good fung swei today also, didn't try that but good for me. Hopefully it will fung swei some ladies into it. Still need to get some more art for the wall tho.
The only downside of the new bed, if you look in the corner of the picture you can see the corner of my desk. My desk is frickin huge. Its a beat up old army desk with this cool pop out shelf thing on the side, but between it and my new bed, I have literally a foot and a half of space between the two in which to put my chair for my desk. Which means if I want to get to my closet I either have to climb over my bed or my chair to get there. Not really anything I can do about it though, I can't think of another way to arrange my room.
So this weekend was a super phun thyme again. I was a little worried since I was sick going into it that I would feel terrible the whole time and not enjoy myself, but it was super sweet. I went to Clemson this weekend to hang out with Captain Pretentious. As soon as I got there we went out on the boat. It was definitely nice to get out on the water again. C.P. has all of a sudden decided that he will abandon his over cautious boat driving for a different method where he puts the hammer down and then stands on the chair, making corrections to steering only when he needs to. Mr. and Mrs. H joined us after an hour and we hung out on the lake drinking some Pabst Blue Ribbon (which has to be the best since it got the blue ribbon) and relaxing until it got dark and we headed back where C.P. parked his boat in the slip that he hasn't paid for since he got the boat and probably owes about a grand on back fees on. But its nice and close to his apartment, so it works out. We all went up to his place and got ready to go downtown.
We hit Peppinos first to get some pizza with our first round of dt beers. Peppinos however was about 900 degrees. I was dying the whole time we were there and mentally urging the slow eaters to finish up so we could get out of there. Jeb and his girlfriend joined us, everyone made fun of me sweating and we bounced to the next bar. Now Jeb and I have exactly the same sense of humor so we were basically feeding off each other the entire night and both cracking up like crazy. By the end of the third bar, Nick's we were both fairly intoxicated and everything seemed to be hilarious. I no longer cared about picking up chicks and mostly was just having a blast joking around. By the fourth bar we had focused our attention on making fun of Captain Pretentious, and I got Jeb to spit out his drink twice by referring to C.P. as a small part of a woman's anatomy, complete with sign language for when he was on his phone. He actually made the mistake at one point in telling us that his first album he bought was Ace of Base, which as a guy you can never say out loud even if its true. But he was a good sport and after several more drinks (with me buying one for a rather attractive girl sitting at our table who looked bored out of her mind, but I didn't talk to her or get a number or anything, whatever it seemed nice) we headed home.
The next day I was planning on heading out to do my slacking by myself since I figured C.P. needed to study. But as I was about to go he suggested we go get some food. So we went to the Tiki Hut and had overpriced sandwiches served to us by a waitress with some badass gold shoes, where he talked me into staying and going out on the boat again instead of going home. He claimed that he could print out his notes and study on the boat while we hung out and relaxed. So he prints them out and we go out on the boat. We drive it about two hundred yards off the dock and are about to anchor it when Pete, C.P.'s roommate realizes that he forgot the cooler on the dock. I figure, I wanted to go for a swim anyway, I'll swim back and get it. As I was about to jump off C.P. is telling me to go so he can throw the anchor in, which I knew he was up to something since it didn't make any sense, but I figured he would drive away when I jumped off and it didn't bother me much because I would be waiting back on the dock with a full cooler and hot chicks. So I start swimming back (almost losing the suit in the dive, since I had borrowed it from C.P. and it didn't have the tie anymore at the top) and the swim is a lot longer then I thought but I made it. But half way back I see the boat driving right back toward the dock. So by the time I got there, all I needed to do was hop on and we headed back out again. The rest of the day was spent drinking ice tea and beer and reading a magazine while C.P. studied. A nice relaxing fun weekend that I hope to repeat several times this summer.

1 comment:

-P said...

That sounds awesome. I need to get a friend with a boat.