Thursday, April 17, 2008

Morning Glory

When my alarm goes off at 6:30 in the morning I go through about the same thought process everyday, instead of an inner monologue, it turns into an inner dialogue between a part of myself that wants to go to work and a part of myself that doesn't. The funny thing is that while my "evil" part does most of the talking, my good part controls my body without the consent of my brain. Every morning I think to myself that I could sleep some more, then I remind myself that I already moved the wake-up time as late as I possibly can to still make it to work on time with a shower. Then I think that I might not need a shower. Then I scope out the Wolverine hairstyle that I'm sporting and reconsider. Then I think to myself that I haven't taken a day off yet, they wouldn't mind if I took today off. Then I think that it would be more trouble faking an illness and then having to answer a list of medical questions from my coworkers the next day. By this time I have somehow collected a set of clothes from my closet, checked my computer for messages that may have been left overnight (there barely ever is any), and gotten into the shower. At which point the thoughts of skipping work slowly dissolve into the warm water, not hot mind you, since I crank it to the H and its still not super hot. So everyday I think about taking a day off, but everyday I never do. Could be saying something about my character or how much I like my job. I also often think that weekend plans are a poor idea in the morning, believing that if I blew them off I could make up for not getting to be in bed during the week. This changes back as the day goes on until I forget about sleeping again. Its a repeating cycle that doesn't change if I go to bed at 8 or 12, a revolving cycle of morning hate.

1 comment:

Marth said...

" good part controls my body without the consent of my brain."

Best when taken out of context, I think.

Good post. :)