Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Political Thoughts at 12:30 in the Morning

After taking a nap when I got home I'm wide awake and thought I'd write. With the big Pennsylvania primary today which for the first time ever "actually means something"(even though it really doesn't, except for the fact that Obama couldn't put Hilary away so we now have to still hear from her for another couple months) I felt that I would talk about my views. I like how whenever you hear a Obama ad you hear the youthful voice of one of his supporters going "Barack opposed the war from the beginning". That's easy to say 5 years and 2000 or so deaths later that you weren't in favor of something. Thank you Junior Senator that five years ago when you were getting the the real Senator a cup of coffee you voiced your opinion that you didn't really think it was a good idea. If we would have rolled up in Iraq and put this thing away in six months I really doubt he would be going "see i told you". But the problem with the US military today is that we've lost the guts to just be bastards in a place, wreck shit, bring all their leaders up on the same war crimes we were doing, and then ten years later say "That was our bad, here's some cash to rebuild". We haven't had this mentality since World War 2, where we would napalm entire city blocks in Japan. But suddenly something changed when we got to Vietnam where we forgot that the last time we fought an Asian nation we had to blow two of their cities off the map to get them to stop. Instead we're walking through the jungles in lines. We turned into the British during the Revolutionary War. Oh yeah lets go marching in nice little slow moving lines while the enemy uses gorilla tactics to totally decimate our forces. How long do you think we would have been in Vietnam if we started it out by dropping a bomb on their major city. We would have mopped that up in a month and a half and the world would have known that the US does not mess around. War is about doing horrible things, its just the way it is, until people remember this we will not find success in any military action. We prosecute our own Generals and soldiers for doing their job and we wonder why we're not seeing the results that we hoped for. Bringing up our intelligence people for torture? Do you think the people that we need information from are going to sit down with a cup of coffee and say, "ya know, if you go down the street and take a left, the guy you're looking for is right there", of course not, let them do their job, heck don't tell us about it, the average American is dumb as a brick, especially if you say "We tortured these guys to get information" without the part that because they did these thousand people were saved. And how haven't we found Osama Bin Laden. He releases video tapes people. UPS can track where my packages are at any point and time and you're telling me we can't send a couple CIA guys over there and ask people where they got the video tape?

So now the democrats are starting their campaign with how they will end the war in Iraq immediately and send everyone home. I mean I want them to finish up and come home as much as anyone, but only John McCane is actually realistic about it. This is why he sadly will probably never win. He actually is realistic. As democrats, lets promise national health care without any plans to pay for it, lets promise that we'll end the war in Iraq immediately with the only exit strategy being that we just pull them out and send them home, and somehow the economy will be all better if we start making everyone buy marked up American made products. Heck I've even seen ads where Hilary has a goal to bring back the middle class. A woman that has never been middle class her entire life says she'll bring it back and charge more taxes to the wealthy. Didn't she make multi-millions last year? There's going to be no rich congressman who's going to say, "Well I'd really like some more taxes, especially if it gives the poor more money to keep having kids they can't afford to have" And there's actually a law trying to be passed that levels the playing field for candidates for political office, where if a candidate has a ton of money, we have to make it fair for everyone else running and limit the money that they invest. Who's going to actually pass this law? Is there a secret 51% of Congress that are poor and somehow scraped up enough cash to run for their seat?

Sorry for babbling on, but America needs to get realistic, and it really bothers me to hear day after day about the stupid things that people are getting away with saying these days.

1 comment:

-P said...

Geeeez, that was awesome. Again. I hear those stupid Obama commercials on the radio every morning, and more than anything else, they prompt me to get out of bed just so I can shut them the heck off! The word, "bastard," is my second favorite curse word, and the fact that you used it in such a truthful way makes you a very good writer. Well I don't know if that's right, but I agree with you, and I think America has been so steeped with the culture of tolerance, that our majority no longer thinks we can be mean to anyone, or hurt anyone's feelings, or, Heaven forbid, bomb anyone to death! And if our government doesn't already agree to this mindset, then they are forced to act it just to pander to those that give the votes.
Best post yet.