Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Hair

For the majority of my life I've had really short hair. Out of laziness mostly. I don't even own a hairdryer or for that matter a comb or a brush or anything. Usually I jump out of the shower (OK ladies start your mental picturing) and dry off and run my hand through my hair three times and I'm done. Easy as hell. But lately I've let it grow longer. Also out of laziness mostly, and the fact that the last two times i got it cut the woman doesn't listen at all when I tell her what I want and when I say "No that's not good" so when I'm walking out the door I wonder why I paid for a haircut I could have given myself with a pair of fisher price safety scissors. So anyway its much longer then usual now. Not to say that if you saw me you would say, damn Michael you're a frickin hippie, but its long for me. So now instead of the "run my fingers through it and go" I end up looking like a mix between Elvis, a mohawk and an electrocution patient. And most of the time I leave it because I don't really care. Sometimes though I strike gold. The other day, I rush on through my morning routine and head to work. A couple hours into work I catch my reflection in a mirror and somehow I look like I should be captaining a yacht with my lovely wife Bunny, everything parted perfectly to the side. Captain Pretentious would be proud. But by the end of the day I've gotten stressed out about one thing or another and run my hands through my hair so by the time i get home I look like I've been rolling around my padded cell a little too briskly at the funny farm. But I still want to see what happens if I really let it go.

But chances are I'll get tired of it and cut it all off in a week.

OK this post is sorta lame but hopefully y'all will get some laughs out of it


Marth said...

Tip: Ending your posts with a review of the post quality isn't really a great idea.

Related tip: If you're going to knock your own writing at the end of the post, at least go all the way instead of "sorta lame." :)

I was amused, so I think it was just unnecessary. I feel ya with having on and off hair days. Mine gets poofier as the day goes on because I run my fingers through it and play with a curl (or seventeen) when I'm bored. :P

Mike Robertson said...

but kiki your hair is badass, super cute curliness. mine is looking surprisingly good today despite having a space madness hour at work where they sprung something on me right before it was going out to be installed