Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hello Again

As many of my readers know, my computer was on the fritz for a little over a week after I restarted it and it decided it would just not start up again. But happily (or at least fairly happily after the financial thrashing the Geek Squad gave me) I am pretty much up and running again. Which leaves me with a huge void in the coverage of the last two weekends' schenanigans.

So two weeks ago (this maybe a little rough because my memory is horrible sometimes) I was very excited going into the weekend. Of course there was the usual reasons such as the amazing group of people that allow me to call them my friends and the unquestionable good time we would have, but there was also another reason. D.P. was coming to town. Sadly I hadn't been to Cola to visit him in quite some time, so the news that he was coming to town to show his girlfriend what a college town can be was exciting. Now if Jeb and I have the same sense of humor, D.P. would be our triplet, so I expected nothing less of a good time in which I at some point shoot beer out my nose in a fit of laughter. So I arrived in Clemson around the normal time and Jeb, BMS and I had dinner and headed downtown early. I knew that D.P. and L.C. would be in town around 9, but we figured we would get started with the festivities. A couple beers later its finally 9 and they tell us to meet them at Peppino's where they are eating a pizza that can only be described as the last meal to anyone that attempts it. After a little chit chat and not very much progress on the deadly Italian creation, we decide to head out, but first D.P. wants to move his car. So I go along with them to show them where to park. Upon getting into his car I accidentally tap the door into the truck next to his and he flips out, which I sort of expected, but in an overly mean way that I don't remember my old friend ever doing to anyone. I shrug it off and we go off to park and go to Nick's. It's about half full, but is a fairly good crowd for Nick's which is usually not too crowded (remember Mike bar gripe #1, crowded bars). We hang around for a little and enjoy ourselves. BMS heads home, it being far past her bed time already, and we hit TTT's. I have a feeling that D.P. was talking it up beforehand to L.C., which was a shame because it was vacant. The usual Clemson hot spot was a ghost town. I hit the bathroom before leaving Nick's and told the group I would meet up with them at TTT's. The Katie and C.P. called to inform us that they had a table outside and we were to come join them. But as I was walking up to the bouncer at the door I suddenly get pelted in the nuts with a lime, hurled by C.P. through the gate. I crumple over a little bit and the bouncer is asking me if I want him to go in there and kick some ass. Unfortunately despite my confirmation that he should pummel C.P. into a pulp, he doesn't do anything and I go in and join the group and we continue to have a good time. D.P. continued to have a surprisingly short temper which was usually held in check by one of the people at the table messing with him over it. We bounce over to Griffin's after TTT's and lounge around for a little while. The Katie has taken to sitting on my lap when she gets intoxicated and kept telling me how great I was and how I should definitely hit on the Goddess Megan who was sitting beside me. I help her with the bar game shes playing but don't get the guts to say anything of real "Wow, do me now" impressive value. But by the time we leave there I am very intoxicated. The group wants to go to 356, which in my opinion is a shitty bar normally, but on top of my usual disdain for it was a candy covered shell of general nausea. So they go in and I go around the corner back to Nick's to hopefully sober up a little bit more before meeting them for the walk back. A couple glasses of water later and I my condition wasn't any better, so I decided I would start walking and they would catch up because I would be stumbly on top of my usual casual canter. I get half way up the dark road when I see a sports car fly by me going at least twice the speed that it should be on the frat apartment lined street and knew that D.P. had just blown by me. I finally stumble in the door, feeling like a box of shit, when I'm greeted by L.C. who runs up and yells,


Jeb's hot tub hasn't been functional since I met him and he and D.P. are actively trying to figure out how to get it to work while filling it up with a garden hose. I walk right past everyone and collapse onto the couch. Only to later be woken up by D.P. who was complaining about me snoring. Unfortunately this woke me up to be kept awake by his snoring. The Snoring Vicious Circle.

1 comment:

Bryan Goldston said...

Haha Snoring Cycle. I don't remember waking you up. :( Sorry about that temper, the fact that Tim made fun of me in combination with LC has really motivated me to watch what I say.

I'm getting bettah.

See you this weekend!