Saturday, September 27, 2008

Q & A - 9.27.08

Over the last couple days I've asked people who visit my facebook to submit questions that I would do my best to answer for them. In any hope this will spawn more follow up Q & A sessions and who knows, I may help you with your life's mysteries.

What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

While this is a not a surprising joke question, one that I appreciate for the Monte Python reference, the easy answer would be "African or European?". However with a little research I have found that while there are over 200 species of swallow, the average speed is has been shown to be around 24 miles per hour.

Which prime, below one-million, can be written as the sum of the most consecutive primes?

I am sadly not an engineer or feel like taking the time to think this out. But according to the Internet there is a computer program-esque way of figuring this out that you probably know and are just testing to see if I can find it, so try Google.

Ha, whats the first mersenne prime over 1mln? I'll split the the GIMPS pot with you ;)

I sadly never heard of mersenne primes before this question and since there is a $100,000 prize for the answer, I think it might be a little over my head.

Ass, legs or boobs?

It actually makes it a tough question when you throw legs into the mix. I'd say I'm a boob guy, but having nice legs is really important as well.

Top or bottom?

Bottom. Nice to have a good confident girl on top than one that lays under you like a dead fish.

What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

Yet another famous movie/book question, however like in the story, it really depends on the question. Life is full of questions and I doubt there's an answer that applies to all questions. Whether its what you should be doing with your life (whatever makes you happy), to what the name of the random girl is that you wake up next to (chances are its probably Jessica or Jennifer) or even whether Clemson can play well for an entire football game (No), it really depends on the question. Good thing I'm here to give you my two cents whenever you ask.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What if the hokey-pokey really IS what it's all about?