Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crackmosa's and Dehydration

I find it hilarious that if I make it to Tuesday without writing I get angry text messages and calls wondering if I'm still alive and why my lazy ass hasn't gotten to updating. Truth is my hectic 50 hour week at work last week transitioned seamlessly into another two long days, with the possibility of another three being highly likely. While its nice to be busy, I feel less then energized when I get home, so sorry for the delay and here we go....

I rarely plan going into a weekend. I find that its much less stressful and often times it doesn't really matter what I do as long as I'm chillin with my friends. But this weekend there were a definite two main plans. However my plans still involved getting out of work (late) and taking a nap all afternoon.

This is where the plans were different then usual. We had a surprise birthday party planned for Captain Pretentious at the Harclerodes' house in Greenville. It was originally planned as a Swedish themed wine and cheese party, perfectly pretentious for the Captain who is leaving for Sweden at the beginning of next year. At the last minute however, The Katie decided we would switch it up a little. Instead of a Swedish party, we would break out the pink streamers and have a Sweet Sixteen party. The Katie and the Harclerodes spent Thursday night transforming their entrance hallway into a wonderland of pink and glittering sixteens. We were told to arrive by 7 and the Katie would do her best to get C.P. there by 7:15 under the false pretense that they would be having a nice dinner out with the Harclerodes after stopping for a birthday shot. Unfortunately C.P. was in hurry as always and the growing number of guests waited around until nearly 8pm. Everyone had parked well up the street so he pulled into the driveway with no idea of what awaited him inside. Everyone bustled around the door, half rehearsing what was about to happen. As the door came open, the lights came on and everyone yelled "Happy Sweet Sixteen!!!!" A fuzzy tiara was placed on his head and a blinking 16 and a sash proclaiming "Happy Birthday Princess" was placed around his neck. He was ushered into the dining room with the pink frosted cupcakes and twelve different kinds of cheese. Still in shock, he was given a key and told to go look in the garage, just like on the silly MTV reality show. Parked right in the middle of the spot was......a matchbox Porshe. The Sweet Sixteen party was a huge success and everyone had a great time, but I had places to go and people to see.

I knew that it would be much easier to get to Clemson the night before then trying to fight my way down there with the game traffic in the morning. Also Jeb and BMS couldn't make it up to the party and I figured why not make it an even better evening and get to hang out down there with them also. I had drank next to nothing at the party despite the abundance of wine that had showed up with everyone. I made it down to Clemson in seemingly record speed and met Jeb downtown. BMS had already gone to bed but I was introduced to his two ex-roommates Butch and Sundance (I think I remember their names but I like those nicknames better). Butch and Sundance had apparently not been in Clemson in a while, so when I showed up they had just finished up eating and we headed up to Griffin's. Sadly we apparently hit it on an off night because it was half empty and mostly filled with guys which was disappointing. Even Meggles was MIA again. To top it off, 2o minutes after we walked in, the grand douchebag that slept with Jeb's ex walked in. Since he was one of the group of friends, Butch and Sundance went to talk to him which I could tell somewhat bothered Jeb. I played defense while, keeping an increasingly intoxicated Jeb from pounding him and getting us all kicked out. After a while we made it out without bloodshed and hit up Nick's which was fairly full of cute indie chicks. We had a pretty good time, even though Nick's still doesn't seem to have any AC. We had planned to play some poker when we got home, which turned into everyone passing out, and after playing some demos on the PS3 , I passed out as well.

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