Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Run Fat Boy Run

I was greeted when I came home today after a day of work where I had to talk myself into sniffling on through, with a nice little red Netflix envelope containing this movie, Run Fat Boy Run. Starring Simon Pegg as a deadbeat dad who tells the woman that he left at the alter pregnant that he can change and will run in the upcoming marathon to show her he can finish something.

I found this movie very funny at times, especially the scenes with his obese Indian trainer swatting him with the spatula to get him to run faster. Of course it was a predictable good hearted family film, of course there's training montages, and of course there's male British ass (apparently an ingredient in all British comedies these days). But there's also Thandie Newton. I swear this movie had an underlying theme of worship to Thandie Newton. No matter if she's pregnant, angry, scared or depressed, she looks absolutely gorgeous and its actually written into the script for the actors to tell her so at almost a ridiculous rate.

This movie isn't the deepest puddle in the road, but it makes you feel good watching it and really makes you want to get out and exercise afterwords in hope that someday you too will impress a Thandie Newton. Or at least work off those fig newtons.

I give Run Fat Boy Run a 3.5 out of 5.

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