Monday, August 4, 2008

When Facebook Buddy List Gets a Good Cleaning

Before we get started of my gleeful thinning of the herd, yes I did find the convenient "Try new Facebook" bar at the top of the screen approximately sixteen seconds after writing about not being swift enough to find it. While I can see how its new, I don't find the changes very innovative or helpful and caused me to have a miniature panic attack before finding the "Return to Normal" button conveniently in the same place as the "Try new Facebook" button. The new Facebook just appears that someone at facebook said "4 out of 5 people agree that people like drop down menus, and adding slightly more customization options for my profile then I ever care to use. Personally I think it looks lazy and basically like the perfectly functional current Facebook with a healthy helping more useless crap then is already shoveled on there.

SO back to the list of Facebook "friends". Like the satisfying pleasure of getting a new cell phone and being able to "forget" to put people back in your contacts list, going through your friends list is a satisfying experience. There were people that I couldn't remember who they were or why I friended them in the first place. Others were friends of friends or friends of ex's that I really didn't like having to hang out with them before let alone seeing several photo albums of them looking drunk and hanging all over guys that look like they have the combined IQ of a bag of trail mix with little bits of rotten trout included. Then there was the deletion of people in my major that I added just because they were in my major but really could be considered less than an acquaintance. Throw in a helping of removing several women who use every chance they can get (including the birth of family member's kids) to take an album's worth of pictures of themselves from different angles. When all was said and done I dropped my friends list from over 200 people to about 140, with people left between my good friends and people I left because I get a kick out of looking at their constant flow of vacation pictures from their parents allowing them to piss money away without much of any consequence such as getting a job. So if you get a moment that you're bored and wish you could see less pictures of that girl from your math class's cats, I highly recommend it. Just don't delete mine because its much easier to click on the link in there then to type in the epically long web address to get to this blog that you are obviously a fan of if you took the time to read this post.

1 comment:

Marth said...

"type in the epically long web address"?

Come on now, who doesn't have an RSS feed or a browser that remembers past sites entered?

I haven't seen this "try new facebook" button, so I feel unswift.