Saturday, August 2, 2008

Science Experiment I have in my Head

Do you ever come across someone and think to yourself, I wonder what they're like in bed? Sure we've all done it at some point thinking of that sexy chick at the end of the bar who moves her hips to the music in such a hypnotising manner that if she walked up to you and ask you to stab your friend, you would seriously consider it. But what I'm talking about is other people.

Lately I've been wondering more and more about women I come across that I'm really not attracted to the person but I have a burning desire to know if their personality quirks carry over to the bedroom. Do they talk constantly about mundane topics while getting railed? Or do they shut up and become a serene shell of their former self. Does their absolute laziness cause them to lay there like a corpse or are they so low key because they blew it all on wild hip bustin' sex? It's thoughts like this that make me sit back and go, damn if all of a sudden this person would ask for some lovin', I know its a horrible idea but damn this could be entertaining as all hell. Is the cock-blocker friend just looking for her time to shine? Is the quiet girl in the corner scream like a banshee when you hit that right spot? These are the type of things you have to think about. I mean sure, that irritating chick that just spent the last half hour telling you about how magical the Bolivian people are might turn out to be as mind numbing in the sack, but she could also be a dynamo in the rough.

1 comment:

Marth said...


Wow I don't know what to say. I wonder about women sometimes, but not so much about men. Sometimes, though, I catch myself kind of smirking, wondering "wow if he's like this in bed, that would be soooo annoying." But you're right, they could be completely different. ;) Neat post.