Sunday, August 10, 2008

"You Actually Look Good Today"

I didn't think I would be in Clemson this weekend. I had planned weeks in advance to head to Columbia this weekend since I haven't seen D.P. and the hot (unavailable) ladies in a good two months and D.P. was planning to take a break from his state hopping to be in Columbia for a weekend. However as the hellish week rolled on, working through the hospital full of signs, the two hour drive to Columbia looked less and less appealing. There seemed to be lots of enthusiasm for me to head to Clemson to hang out with Jebster, BMS, C.P. and The Katie. Also in talking to Jeb on Thursday he hinted of a big possibility for an epic weekend. Since usually I'm the optimistic one for weekend epic-ness, I figured the epic-ness would be at an all time high (and i should probably write a last-will and testament or something before heading there).

So Friday afternoon, after a little nap, I headed to Clemson. When I got there I was starving and did my best to get things rolling on the plan to remedy this problem. We pretty much sat around and played video games and asked each other "Well where do you want to go?" for about an hour before deciding to hit up TD's for better then average bar food and cheap liquor drinks. Three vodka crans and a buffalo chicken sandwich later they decided to stop waiting on tables. So we decided to go elsewhere and begin the more food-free part of the evening. Being after 8, BMS bid Jeb and I adieu to call it a night.

We started the usual bar crawl at Nick's, drinkin' some good beers waiting for C.P. and The Katie to show up. They soon joined us with Keihner, Katie looking very nice in a red dress that made just about everyone in the bar take notice (go go team Benj). We hung around for a little while, still couldn't remember where I knew the bartender from, but he knew Tim, so I guess that's where I know him from. But after coming up with a hand signal for "Katie G Stage 4", the funniest of the stages of Katie G drunkenness. We decide to head to TTT's to see if we could see the giggly stage 4 by the end of the night. Standing outside at the new Red Bull tables that they positioned out there we had a couple pitchers and joked around. As usual the topic drifted to them wanting me to chat up a girl. I pretty much laugh it off and we keep chillin until it gets to around midnight. I want to get to Griffin's before it closes at 2 so I suggest we head over there. C.P. comes up with a plan before we do though, that all the other guys will pick a girl and one after another tell her "It's not too late to sleep with Mike Robertson" and then I would have to introduce myself. It doesn't bother me to get a little embarrassed, so I agree to this plan. Surprisingly though, two of the guys decide to back out on the chance to inflict some embarrassment on me and we start walking out anyway. Before we leave C.P. sees a pretty blond he knows and goes over to say hi before we head out. I wait around for him because I don't want to leave him behind, when he and the girl start looking over at me as they're talking. Out of nowhere she walks over unbuttons my one of the buttons on my shirt and says something like "definitely not too late". I get a big smile on my face and we head to Griffin's (figuring C.P. put her up to it).

Arriving at Griffin's we're greeted like regulars (probably should cut down on the drinking) and we head to the back of the bar which is surprisingly full. I head over to the bar to get a drink and out of nowhere this sexy brunette starts talking me up. We chat for a while, I'm expecting her to ask for a drink and then split with her friends. But she never does and we chat for a good long while. I finally buy her a drink and for some reason decide to go back to hanging out with my friends, without getting her number or anything. I'm my own worst enemy. I head over and kinda shrug when they ask whats going on. I tell them about it and my amazement that I didn't have to even try, to which C.P. replies "You actually look good today, not as much of a bum."

Thanks C.P., Thanks a ton.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'd be surprised if you knew the bartender at Nicks; he's one of my buddies from a couple years ago (intramural soccer and dodgeball). I had found out from one of his friends that he was going to be studying abroad in Sweden next semester, hence the convo. =)