Thursday, July 3, 2008

Weird Dreams

Lately I have been having a lot of weird dreams. Weird dreams that I somehow still remember. The real strange part was that the dreams aren't about odd things like getting attacked by a psycho or going golfing with a celebrity. My dreams are about everyday activities, but activities that I wouldn't normally participate in.

The other day I had a dream that I had a role in a play, that was being performed at a rodeo. I had one line to remember, and was having a terrible time remembering it. The dream was me freaking out about this line while going to the rodeo arena. Then once I got there it was 30 minutes until the show and I had to find the dressing room. I was fighting through the crowds of raucous rodeo fans and couldn't find it anywhere. So on top of saying my line over and over and over again, I was freaking out even more because I couldn't find where I was supposed to go. Then just as I'm about to find the place, I wake up.

I had another dream where my friend Tracey got back together with my friend D.P., who apparently traded his normal job for a job as a travel agent. And for some reason Tracey was his secretary. For some reason them getting together really bugged me in the dream, but instead of doing a normal angry jealous thing, I decided I would just prank them a lot to be an overall pest. I did everything from throwing things to stealing office furniture from their travel agency (that I rode down the sloped parking lot with a look of glee on my face). However my dream cut off sort of suddenly and I didn't really see what my dream self was hoping to accomplish, but it was funny and kinda had a 1920's feel to it.

And my latest dream from last night was that I was in the shop class to end all shop classes and it was right before the final. We had to pick something to build, like anything in the world (apparently there was unlimited supplies in the warehouse shop). First I was freaking out that I didn't know what to make. Then the first group I had kept getting bigger and bigger so I freaked out that there was way too many people for me to have any role. And then I got another group and went back to freaking out about about what we were going to do. And before I could find out what we were going to make, I woke up. Tough to wake up all frustrated about not getting to find out what my dream self ended up doing.

Now I don't know what any of this means, but I definitely wish my dreams went back to being about hot women and going on Indiana Jones-like adventures. If I'm going to a rode0/theater, I want it to be because I'm going to slide down a zip line, shoot four bad guys in the face and have sex with the pretty blond against the rodeo clown barrel. Is that so much to ask?

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