Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Lingerie Buying Time of the Relationship

The other weekend I was hanging out with Jeb and BMS and for some reason Jeb was shopping for lingerie for one of his female friends for her wedding. This started me thinking. At what time in a relationship do you reach a point where you can buy your loved one some sexy lingerie?
My last relationship was off and on for almost a year and hell I didn't even have a clue what size she wore. Not that it would have mattered. I have a feeling me shopping for lingerie would be something you could video and show after a chimp figuring out how to use a cell phone on the animal channel.

"Here he is, and no he's not going to do it, no he actually held it up on himself...."

But I still would have liked the option. I mean I'm not sure if I missed the boat, like there was a memo around month four saying "I know you're diggin whats going on but if you want to buy me things with lace I wouldn't complain and probably would do a little dance for you" Honestly how would I misplace an email like that? But this would mean that a year in, I had not reached the lingerie buy and show portion of the relationship, which seems like far too long to have not reached that point. It brings a whole new disappointment to that relationship not working out. So ladies please inform me when this magical time of the relationship occurs so I don't miss out the next time around. Does it very from person to person? I doubt its appropriate to ask on the first date whether I can buy some lingerie for them. And ladies out there, I know you could be insecure with your bodies, but if you tell your guy that he can buy you nice lingerie in return for a little happy dance, men will be packed into Victoria's Secret trying to decipher the numbers that none of us understand.

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