Sunday, July 27, 2008

Internal Issues Hamper a Weekend of Epic Pimpness

My weekend started with being helpful. I had promised Molly over a week in advance that I would help her move her stuff into her new apartment. This would however be two weeks in a row in which I get drafted into service to carry furniture. This weekend however I only had to do the unloading of a very organized woman, with the help of her parents and several friends. After waiting around a lot later then I thought we were going to get started, the move took no time what so ever and we were done moving a U-haul and a pickup in less than an hour. Again I sweated like I had run a marathon but it was nice to help another one of my friends.

From there (after rinsing off of course) I went to Clemson for probably the fourth week in a row. Now I'm sporting a new shirt and new pair of shorts and I'm not going to lie, I felt like an epic pimp. Jeb laughed at my claim but I was feeling good, ready to go out and kick ass. So we scooped up BMS and were off to Mellow Mushroom. Not for the food mind you, which is alright but probably fairly overpriced if you'd sit and think about it, but for the abundance of hot waitresses. One in particular with surprisingly nice dreadlocked hair and freckles which i love (girls never cover up your freckles). But of course she wasn't there, not only that, we actually got a guy as our waiter. Looking over the beer list I thought to myself that I hadn't had a Michelob in a while and ordered an Ultra. Big mistake, I didn't hear the end of it from Jeb and C.P. who showed up and was pleased that he wasn't the one getting teased. Mic Ultra isn't that bad but I felt like I could drink a case and wouldn't even have been buzzed. But craving a little more flavor I went back to my usual the second round, but without any sign of my food. My uncooked turkey and cheese sub. When three pizzas had been brought out. No hot waitress, no food, I was about to cut my losses and steal a slice from C.P.'s pizza. I got a free beer out of the deal and the sandwich eventually came out but the tip ended up less then sizable.

From there we headed to Nick's. The Benjamins heading off to some mystery date they had, it was down to Jeb, BMS, and me. However being as it was after 8pm, BMS didn't last long and soon split for home. After a couple drinks, with nothing that I can remember out of the ordinary, I thought I would give this girl Melissa, who I had been on one date with, a call to see if she would like to come out and join us. I didn't really expect her to but figured, why the hell not. In fact she responds first with a text message saying how sorry she is but she sadly can't come join, which I quickly talk her out of this foolishness and do a little happy dance sitting at the bar. So she says she'll give a call when she gets close, Jeb and I finish up and go to Griffins.

We're chillin out and having our usual good time there, when she shows up with a friend. Everything seems good when all of a sudden the weirdest thing happened.

I got the hiccups. And they didn't stop.

I did everything I could think of but nothing worked. Hours went by, and I was struggling. I couldn't concentrate on anything and I'm very frustrated. I'm just really trying to be myself and hopefully be impressive to this girl. But I'm just super embarrassed and thinking of ways to slip out. Finally after switching bars again and getting surprisingly drunk, still hiccuping the whole time, its time to go. Mellissa offers to drive us back to Jeb's and the second she leaves, the hiccuping stops.

Just my luck.

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