Monday, July 21, 2008

Let's Just Get Cocky and Back the Trailer Down the Hill

So long time and no post but after a good weekend I felt that my faithful readers would like an update on my hijinks's. So here we go:

I didn't even know I was going to Clemson until the last minute. I haven't been anywhere but Clemson in like a month, so it didn't come as much of a surprise that I ended up there again. Like usual I waited around all Friday afternoon, chilling out and watching movies and coming in 7th place in an online poker tourney waiting for the Jebster to get out of work. The only problem with getting out of work at 11:30 on a Friday is that no one else does. Except for unemployed people and for the most part they are in a junk food coma leaching off their parents. So eventually I headed down the highway to Jeb's and was informed that the plan was to hit up the movies to see the new Batman movie after some dinner.

So we head to the movies first to pick up the tickets because we're sure the movie will sell out. I roll out of the Charger and up to the window to buy our tickets. Behind the window is a very attractive woman who basically blinks her eyes and before I know it I'm signed up for the Regal Crown Club, have student tickets and the last seats in the particular showing of the movie and probably a goofy look on my face. We head from there to Fuddrucker's where I plan to try to use the Regal Crown Card to pay from dinner despite its lack of monetary value. After a tasty buffalo filled dinner and some futile attempts at the crane game, we head back to the movie theater. Jeb can't park and needs to do a 14 point turn to get the Charger's child-bearing hips into the spot. We make fun of him relentlessly the rest of the weekend over this.

The Dark Knight is an unbelievably good movie. Almost too good. With the performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker, I can't think of any Batman villains that would be able to follow and not go back to the hokey Batman themes of the old movies or wouldn't be believable that they would give Batman any problems what-so-ever after he handled the Joker. However being too good isn't much of a problem. It was an awesome movie and if you haven't see it, you should get to the movies immediately.

Afterwords Jeb and I stop off at Griffin's for an hour to have a drink and maybe ogle the bartender. She isn't there, not many people are. But we still are able to sit and drink and watch TV. About quarter to closing a group walks in with very loud, very unattractive women. One of which noticed that we were sitting by ourselves having a good time and we apparently looked like we needed to buy her a drink. Jeb obliged her with a drink that she chugged in two seconds flat and left. We were sorta amazed at this show of drinking prowess and were about to forget all about the giant woman in her shirt that was far too small for her when she had the audacity to come back after not being able to find her friends and asking for another drink. Surprisingly Jeb not only gives her another drink but gets the bartender to give us a round of shots for free. I give mine to our hefty friend because I feel that redbull and mint shots don't mix and maybe enough free alcohol will make her leave. Sadly this only makes her lean over and do her best to try to impress us by showing off her ample everything. It only makes me head for the door with Jeb following right behind. We walk back to Jeb's (something I'm going to miss being able to do when he moves to Greenville) and shoot the shit and watch Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it, hilarious). I pass out around 4am.

I wake up at the crack of noon and hear murmurs of the moving that I had promised to help with the day before. BritneyMichelleSomebody is moving her stuff out of the apartment that I didn't know she even had because shes always at Jeb's. This also makes me think that she might not have that much over there since I'm also told that a lot of the stuff she has there she hasn't used in months. I had even thought that I might be able to talk Jeb and I out of sticking around to pack and coming back when the lifting was required. Boy was I wrong. While BMS had obviously not planned much more then throwing most of it in garbage bags and making lots of trips using the Charger to get her stuff out, she set us to work immediately in various parts of the little house. Her roommates are two gay guys, no problem with that, but they are two of the dirtiest guys I've ever seen. The kitchen is piled with dirty dishes, the house reeks of animal shit and the one guy is so ADD that he has started to paint the living room walls but has stopped after only trimming around objects. We pack up bunches of trash bags full of BMS's stuff and load them into the Charger several times, dropping them off at Jeb's. 4 hours later, one of her roommates comes home with the SUV that we need to pull Jeb's father's trailer over so that the fun of furniture moving can begin. They get back, her roommate stops helping, and Jeb and I start moving things with BMS managing the situation. Seeing the end in sight we start shooting texts off to our friends to join us in the later removal of this memory from our brains by alcoholic means. We finally get the remainder of the stuff ready for transfer and BMS drives the SUV with the trailer at a snails pace over to Jeb's. We get to the last turn and I get the idea that maybe we should back it down the hill so that it will be easy to unload the trailer and get it out. Cocky I offer to try to do this if she stands back and gives me some directions so i don't hit anything since some jackass has his trailer taking up half the road. I instantly find out that this is a really stupid idea because the trailer not only turns upside down and backwards from what you would expect, BMS is just shouting gibberish, and I can't see anything behind me. Finally I get it back to the point where i can drive it straight in and do so, flicking off the owner of the poorly parked SUV as I went.

Too be continued....


Jeb said...

Pictures are up from the weekend at

Harksaw said...

What the heck is that in the mirror reflection at the bottom of this picture?