Sunday, June 29, 2008

Women Baffle Me

Don't get me wrong, I love women. Absolutely beautiful and amazing. But that doesn't explain one common trait that I have found.

For some reason they really aren't logical sometimes.

This goes from little things like believing that there are such a thing as makeup with color changing micro beads that magically change to the ideal color to accentuate your skin. They throw away relationships with nice guys that possess all the traits that they say they are looking for and stick with guys that say and do things that I wouldn't say or do to my worst enemy. Its the strangest delusional mindset that defies all logic. The funny thing is they think that guys are an absolute mystery. Any guy that opens a women's magazine can tell you that these authors have absolutely no idea what guys are thinking. Its like explaining common phenomenon in totally ridiculous ways. They stick with douchebags because they have been brainwashed into thinking that they actually have something to do with why they are being treated like crap, when the only thing they did was stick around and put up with it. You sticking round is not going to cause them to change. Thinking with a logical mind, if the douchebag is able to continue using you without repercussion, what reason could he possibly have for changing. I know as well as anyone how terrible it can be to be alone, but a miserable relationship is no trade off. I'm no expert in any sense of the word but I'm also not an idiot. If someone can explain to me the totally illogical way that women think I would be very grateful.

Note to readers: I am not speaking of anyone in particular, its a general post on the illogical nature of women. So no angry messages.

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