Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I kinda don't want to write about the rest of the weekend. Don't get me wrong, Saturday and Sunday were fantastic but I felt like writing about something else. So to please the people that I know if I left it at that they would be calling me a bastard on facebook while I'm at work, here is a little summary of Saturday and Sunday.

Woke up late, joked around with Tracey(she apparently talks about random gibberish when shes tired, also liked to do this thing where she doesn't quite rhyme but she uses a bunch of words with the same letter in them that is absolutely hilarious because for some reason I can't do it because apparently alphabet is hard), Got taunted to finally get out of bed and go to Clemson, Got there and Katie said that they needed my help carrying things, Was bombarded with water balloons instead, Did some grillin and drinkin, Went down to the boat (A full cooler on a downhill slope is a recipe for running over the tiny attractive chick you're with), Went to try to get the new tube blown up professionally (because that's how Benjamin's roll), The blow up shack was apparently taking the day off (but i got to walk on sharp rocks and a dock that was both hot and splintery at the same time), Went to hang out and swim for a while, Drank about as much Hartwell as beer (my pee will glow, just you watch), Had a giant dog jump on me when I'm trying to swim, Relaxed in the boat and poured cold water on the pretty lady, Rode over to the old island camping place (where Mr. H collected a bottle full of sand for no apparent reason other then to stash it somewhere in Captain Prententiousness's belongings), C.P. floored the boat on the way out and the 120 lb dog flies off the seat and onto my leg (niiiiice), We went back and went out to this Mexican place in Seneca (tucked magically behind Fat's Cafe), The ladies drank their weight in Margarita, Decided to head downtown Clemson, Hit several bars with the intention to play pool (but the group looked like the sun burnt walking dead because everyone was tired but everyone thought the other people wanted to keep going, until I was like, "This is fun, but I kinda want to go to bed", Went home to C.P.'s (who I'm thinking about changing his call sign to Timmy, because its equally funny with less periods), Fell asleep in Keihner's bed, Didn't wake up alone, Went to Target to find a tasteful woman's swimsuit (that's a first for "Thing's Michael has gone to Target for"), Drove Trace back to Columbia (where it was like 109 degrees), Went on a walk along the river with her and her miniature dog, Looked as sweaty and horrible as I thought I would (Woo guess who's never gonna get the goodbye hug), Hung out watching a chickish flick (Drinkin a Sundrop), Thought about laying my head on her lap, Realized I was a sweaty beast, Thought better of the plan and had her stretch out instead, And drove on back to Greer.

And that's pretty much the other two days rolled into one ongoing sentence where I throw out the rules of punctuation and capitalization, the spell checker program is going to flip its shit later. Pretty frickin awesome, hope y'all like it.

What I really wanted to talk about was Woot.com. I had visited Woot.com a couple times in the past but stopped after a while because the things weren't as much of a deal as they were pieces of crap sold for low low prices. But over the weekend Tracey was wearing these really funny T-shirts, and anyone who knows me knows that I love the witty t-shirt. So she says that she gets them on Woot.com on their shirt site. So I'm thinking in my head how this could work, perhaps you send them your $10 and they send you a random t-shirt and sometimes its cool and other times its a greasy Burger King employee shirt. But no, they have a different shirt each day for $10 and you can check them out and buy them. Woot didn't stop there however. In addition to regular shittastic stuff woot and shirt woot, they have wine woot. I don't really drink wine and to me two bottles for like sixty bucks seems like a ton, but I'm sure that theres someone out there who digs that thing. They should have called it Alcoholic Woot though where the slogan could be "Feeding your alcoholic needs from the comfort of the Internet". I'm really wondering what they are going to branch into next. Panties Woot? (Sometimes its cute but other times its a train wreck) Bread Woot? (8000 different kinds of bread, guaranteed to get to you smashed and stale) Or Random Cleaning Product Woot? (Easy off Bam or Lye, you be the judge). One can only dream.

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