Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lesson of the Day: If it sounds too good to be true it probably is

I was bored tonight. A dangerous thing for me to be sitting in front of a computer. When I saw this link on the side of facebook for getting a free plasma, PS3 and gta4. Now I figure nothing is free but heck most of their little offers that I'd have to complete would be 5 bucks for the trial of some product that i could cancel as soon as I ordered it. So I get through two rounds of offers, I get 6 DVDs for $16 bucks, I get some posters for practically nothing, and some products that I plan to return when I get them. No big deal, probably blew like 20-30 bucks, if it gets me a TV I'm good with that. Then I get to page three where it says I have to complete two more deals and I'm done.

Good fucking Lord.

To complete 2 deals on this page I would have to have like 2 grand of disposable money. One of the deals is a loan for a car, one is vacation plans, one is a $1800 bean bag. I instantly close the site and start canceling my other deals. Good Game Ripoff Site, Good Game. An interesting experiment where I get hosed a little bit and y'all learn from my mistake. Note to self, no credit card when I'm bored. I should have probably just put dish soap in the dishwasher again and filled the kitchen with bubbles.

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