Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Irish People and the Sun- Chapter 2

The next day I awoke fairly early for a Saturday and played some more Wii until D.P. rolled out of bed and was able to semi function. He had told me that his plan was to go to the beach for some party and it was my intention to change his mind into staying in Cola for the night, since Saturday's in Cola always seem to end up being the crazier of the two nights. He felt like crap but got a kick out of the stories I had of the night before, many of which he didn't remember occurring. I put my plan into action, suggesting we get lunch at Tokyo Grill and chill at the pool all day until it was time to go back downtown. He seemed to agree to the idea and we set off for lunch while he started texting seemingly everyone he knew to see what they were up to.

Tokyo Grill in Columbia is the most emo Chinese restaurant I've ever been too. They seem to only hire high school age emo kids who look like they're a chicken bowl away from ending it. I joked to D.P that they saved money this way by making it so emo that the meat and vegetables cut themselves. By the end of the meal it seemed to be all but decided that we were going to stay in Columbia so we headed back to go to the pool.

The pool in D.P.'s development was surrounded by hot women sunning themselves. With the exception of a few kids in the shallow end, the modest sized pool was vacant. This didn't stop me from bounding on in before realizing that the water temperature was cold enough to shoot my balls up to my my throat. I quickly exited the pool voicing how bad an idea it was. So I went to sunning with the ladies on a lounge chair. As I was laying there D.P. got more and more texts but didn't say anything. After an hour or so, without sunscreen, we decided it was time to go. Then out of nowhere D.P. asks if I would go along to the beach. Not just asks if I would be down for the idea, but basically telling me that he's going with or without me. I like the beach just fine, I wish I could live there, but its a long way to drive for one night, then I would be getting back to my place super late on Sunday. This made me really apprehensive to say yes. But after a shower and some texting I figure, what he hell, nothing great would happen if I went home. So we get ready and head out, stopping to get Mystery Girl, who informs us that she has told her boyfriend that she wants to take a break and see other people, which is good news, but she still seemed really torn up over it. What exactly does "taking a break" mean? I mean its not like people who say that have a set time table that they're going to be semi-single and then things go back to normal, and also "see other people" basically means "I'm seeing someone else already, it would be cool if I could see less of you". But anyway it seemed like a good step in the right direction for my buddy D.P.

So we drive forever and make it just in time for the Pelican's baseball game. Apparently at the Pelican's stadium, which has appeared out of no where since the last time I've been to the beach, they have a special section called the beach. In this section down the third base line they have made this sandy area with lines of really nice beach chairs. So for eight bucks or so you can sit in the lounge chair section (private bar) and watch the game. After the sun went behind the stadium it was a fairly good interesting game, even though I think I was the only one of the group that was paying attention. The attractive blond sitting beside me started chatting me up half way through the game, and while she didn't have a clue what was going on in the game, it was still nice to chat with her.

After the game the group headed across the street to Broadway and went to (be still my beating heart) Liberty Tap Room. Happily this Liberty was huge and the bar area was empty so we got to hang out there and drink a beer in relative comfort. One of my best friends Mikkel, happened to show up there also and I got to catch up with him a little and find out that our old friend who had never drunk before in his life was actually quite the bad drunk. He has apparently abandoned his newly acquired Mormon ways and has now given alcohol a try. This definitely makes me want to return to the beach sometime and see this anomaly in action. After the slowpoke drinkers were finished, we decided to head somewhere else.

Everyone seemed to really want to go to this martini bar in Broadway. I was less than pleased because I don't drink martini's, don't like olives, and would probably be overcharged for anything else I ordered, but followed faithfully along. On weekends I'm a huge follower, it makes things much easier and usually more fun if you go with the flow. So we're walking along and all of a sudden the person leading us ducks into this Irish Pub. I have Attractive Blond in front of me and we both give questioning looks at each other with our doubts that this bar would even know what a martini was, let alone have a bar dedicated to them. We pass by a rock concert going on with bikers surrounding it (it was bike week at Myrtle Beach) and I'm just about to ask our fearless leader if he knows where we're going when all of a sudden we duck around a corner and are staring directly at a set of stairs with a neon "Martini Bar" sign over them.

The Martini Bar reminded me of what I would picture a club in hell looking like. The walls were all an interesting red color, the lights were strange colors from displays on the walls of unusually shaped statues with the glow of colored light bathing their abstractness. But did they ever have martini's. Books of them, from dirty to martinis with half and half and chocolate syrup in them. So what did I choose? A Bud Light. I was made fun of by my peers but informed them that I had ordered the famous Bud-tini, which everyone got a kick out of. Sometimes I'm witty like that. I stood drinking my beer while I tried to check out Attractive Girl while at the same time ignoring D.P. and Mystery Girl's latest make out session. Finally we found room on a couch in the corner of the bar and all sat down and chit chatted and drank for a while. I switched from beer to mixed drinks after a little, which seemed to please the martini sipping group. I even tried some of a dirty martini which surprisingly was like drinking sea water. After a while we decided it was time to bounce to another bar.

So we headed to Senior Frogs. Senior Frogs seems like the bar in Myrtle Beach that they said "Let's gear a bar towards underage people, and act like we didn't try it" They have cartoon frogs on the walls, a huge dance floor, multiple bars and even hand signals for some of the drinks. Of course D.P and Mystery Girl wanted to go there to "dance" and apparently Attractive Girl and Bono were down with that idea as well, only in the more traditional definition of dancing. For a while I sorta danced then lost my nerve and retreated to the bar. On one trip I had a semi-hilarious run in with a random girl who asked for a shot of Tejuilla. I think to myself, why the heck not, so I start to order her the shot. In the middle of me trying to get the bartender's attention D.P. comes up and smashes me and Random Girl together and starts us sorta dancing. He leaves and we stop almost immediately and go back to ordering drinks. I get a couple beers and her shot, which she now somehow thinks is Vodka, and basically hand her the shot and leave. I hand out beers and go back to admiring the unbelievable hip action on Attractive Girl. I get almost done with my beer when Mystery Girl comes up to me and gets me to start dancing with her where she whispers that Attractive Girl really wonders what shes doing wrong that I'm not dancing with her. With suddenly renewed confidence I make a B-line across the dance floor and dance like I've never danced before. Bono on one side of Attractive Girl and me on the other. We dance like crazy for a couple hours, in which at one point Bono for some reason kept touching my shoulder while I was dancing and actually challenged a group of black kids to a dancing contest, which they declined. 2:00 rolled around and we all piled out to go home.

We had originally planned to go to someone's house to crash, but him and his girlfriend got far too drunk at the martini bar and headed home a while ago, so we figured we needed somewhere else to crash. Attractive Girl volunteered her place and we headed off toward the apartment. When we arrived she realized that she didn't have her keys and several knocks on the door weren't rousing her roommate from 2:30am sleep. So I get the idea to climb on the railing to the first floor apartment and try to pull myself up to their second floor balcony, because honestly who locks the balcony door. I don't really have the arm strength or coordination to make my way up there and was about to give up when Attractive Girl climbed up with me and I boosted her up onto the balcony.

Re-Written to Please the Blog Reading Gods: Of course the balcony door was securely locked, but Attractive Girl's new found proximity to her roommate finds success and shock from her roommate when she opens the door. Upon entering I get the short straw and miss out on cuddling on up to Attractive Girl and spend an uncomfortable night fitting my six foot, arthritic kneed frame onto a love seat. A long and interesting day.

To be continued....day 3


Bryan Goldston said...


Harksaw said...

They turned you down for a dance contest? You should have served them.

Marth said...

Finally making my way through this long tale and loving every minute of it. :)