Friday, May 23, 2008

Irish People and the Sun: Chapter 3

I awake to whispers (apparently I'm a cute sleeper) at a time far too early for a Sunday. D.P. and Mystery Girl have awoken slightly to the emergence of Attractive Girl from her room. They soon fall back to sleep on the couch and Attractive Girl plops down in front of me, looking no less fantastic than the night before, but slightly shivering despite having long pajama pants and a long sleeved tshirt on. She has her computer out and shes cruising through the usual time wasting sites and British news sites. I find out that she is super intelligent and well informed with the going ons of the world and I chat with her over a cup of some fruit juice. I ask if she wants to get some breakfast but remember that neither of us have a car there, and stealing D.P.'s to drive stick poorly seemed like a recipe for death. So we wait for everyone to wake up.

Noon rolls around and we all get ready and head to California Pizza for lunch. We stop to get Attractive Girl's car and D.P. starts giving me verbal and non verbal cues to ride along with her, like I'm going to charm her riding in the car. It didn't bother me because like I said above, she was a really cool chick and nice to talk to. Anyway the weather seems really bad so I suggest some mini golf afterwords. However after emerging from the pizza place, we realize that the weather prediction didn't hold up and we change our mind again for the beach. So D.P., Mystery, Attractive Girl and myself hop in the car and head down to the beach. I was already fairly red from Saturday afternoon's pool adventure and nobody seemed to have remembered any sunscreen. As a person who a majority of his heritage comes from Great Britain's various nations, I don't tan. I go from white to red, then red to white. If I use sunscreen I don't change color at all, and if I don't.......

We get to the beach and put our stuff down and head to the water. Attractive Girl was razzing me on the way up that I couldn't say that the water was cold because she is always cold and didn't think the water was cold the last time she was there. But the water was damn cold. The long trudge through the surf to deeper water was fairly terrible. But once you got to deeper water and got numb you were golden. The four of us were having a fun time splashing around when D.P. suggests that we chicken fight in the water. Apparently another attempt at increasing my chances with Attractive Girl. What he didn't realize however was that I have bad knees and balancing with a girl that is maybe 5'9, 5'10 sitting on my shoulders in shifting sand wasn't exactly super easy. I get her up and her and Mystery go at it and I'm sorta hoping that Attractive's advantage in upper body strength can make it a quick battle and push Mystery off of D.P.'s shoulders fairly quickly so I don't look lame. However D.P. works out much more than I do and had the vice grip on Mystery's legs so they weren't going anywhere. Slowly I feel myself fading into the surf until we finally lose horribly. Oh well. After that we all headed into the beach to bake. I could feel the sun roasting my flesh as I sat there. But it was also incredibly relaxing to just look into the ocean. So I did until everyone was ready to go. We stop by Attractive's place to clean up and head home, where I then noticed my laughably bad sunburn, which got me teased relentlessly all week by my coworkers. But here it is a week later and I'm practically all white again. But at least it was a darn good weekend, I had a blast.

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