Friday, May 2, 2008

Things That Bother Me (at Midnight)

The last time I couldn't sleep it really helped to write, so here I am again, I also thought of things I wanted to write about earlier when I wrote about my day instead so here goes some rapid fire thoughts:

Recently I heard there was a story coming up on tonight's news about how a 4oo+ pound guy's insurance company is refusing to pay for "life saving surgery". Now I can't find what surgery it is but I when I hear about this on the radio I get angry. Not at the insurance company though. Honestly if I were with the insurance company I would be doing the same thing. Its such a bad investment on their part to cover anything like that, especially if its an organ donation. It would be like ponying up the cash to give a smoker new lungs. What a waste. I wish I had more on this story but it really does make me angry.

Barrack Obama needs to stop whining like a little girl. In the last month he has gone from the confident front runner to a complaining unelectable elitist. At the beginning of this democratic two step Hilary was crying every three days and saying stupid things like "If he wasn't black...". But now Obama is making a huge issue about some attention whore racist disgrace of a preacher and getting all bitter about some stupid gas holiday thing that will never happen either way. Even if it does, you're just taking from the road maintenance budget to allow for a couple cents a gallon cheaper. But the sad thing is that he doesn't come out and say something intelligent like that. He says that instead he wants the government to improve fuel economy this summer. That's all. That's the entirety of his plan. Now I'm not sure what they can do to make the gas itself cause better fuel economy but the alternative is that they make the engines of new cars more fuel efficient. But honestly how many people are gonna buy new cars? That kills me with the whole "Make the minimum miles per gallon this by so and so" bill going through congress now. Do they have some magic switch they're holding out on that turns existing cars suddenly into lean mean gas sipping machines?

These are some of the absolutely stupid things that almost make me jump up out of my chair listening to NPR in the mornings at work. They say things in such a way that I honestly will talk back to the radio. Things so stupid that I can't believe they can get away with saying them.

Another thing I heard today is that in a recent study 60% of killings in the world, are happening in terrorist attacks in Iraq. First off I have no idea who came up with this statistic, but I almost had to laugh at the person who told it to me. It was also said in a way that it was a slam on George W Bush. How about some positive spin on the war for once. The type of positive spin that says how much chemical genocide is going on in Iraq anymore. The type of positive spin on how many terrorist attacks that we actually stopped for those televised few that we can't get to in time. When people have the sure ignorance to tell me that those people would be better off if we hadn't done anything, its all I can do to not look them in their face and call them stupid. Sure we haven't turned Iraq into a Club Med. People are dying everyday over there, but those soldiers over there don't need the media at home making them out to be a waste. Back in the World Wars, they would make Army progress movies that they would play before movies at the movie theater about the great strides that our troops were making in battle. Where has that gone? And to be ignorant enough to call our president stupid, just because in your own little fantasy world we should have rolled in there, given a few slaps on the wrist and magically changed the climate of the region to a democratic utopia is just dumb. Stuff doesn't go smoothly all the time. If Iraq would have turned around sooner, no one would be calling our president dumb. They would be falling over each other to pat him on the back. Its that kind of apathetic uninformed bandwagon mentality that is the real problem.

And after that little tirade, Middleweight ultimate fighting sucks. Its all flash and no substance. The fight I saw tonight had one guy wailing on the other guy for three rounds and then he lost the fight and his coaches were beside themselves with the outcome, saying that their guy did all the damage. But then you looked at the other guy and it looked like he had just gotten back from a brisk walk or something. Not a scratch on him. Nine minutes of getting hit and he doesn't have a mark. It's boring to watch. All submission attempts and bad fighting. I also have to mute the TV when they're fighting so I don't hear the repetitive shouts from the coaches, over and over again. If I was a fighter I would be so distracted from that crap that I would tell them to just stop. At least lightweights are fast. Middleweights are like watching two slow terrible fighters grabbing each other for 10 minutes. Mad about the outcome? You should have actually finished the fight. Also why don't the people go home anymore on the Ultimate Fighter? I'm watching it and saying "Didn't that guy just get his ass kicked, why is he still there?" You earned a spot to compete on the show, not get free housing for three months after you get your ass kicked.

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