Sunday, May 25, 2008

Obama Bowling

I wasn't going to write about this weekend after last weekend's took so long to post but I have a funny story to tell.

Katie comes up today to drop C.P.'s car off at the Jag dealer to get the window fixed so I agree to go along and then drive her back to Clemson. But we get over there and the blue laws apparently clearly state that Jesus will not service Jaguars on Sunday so they were closed. So my dad, who came down this weekend to hang out with his favorite (only) son, talked about going bowling when I got back so I invite her back to come along with us. So we go to this place and it is seriously the smallest bowling alley I've ever seen, next to Clemson's. Twelve lanes and they are real wood and barely have automatic scoring. So we're bowling and really bowling terrible. The ball breaks all over the place and my usual strategy of using the heaviest ball I can and throwing it at the middle of the pins is working terribly. We get to the second game and we're talking about how Obama bowled a 38 when he was trying to look like the common man. Katie is really struggling, but we're joking around and having a fun time, but she ends up throwing a 27. She's super frustrated but we're doing our best to give her some tips on what she could try. My dad is a fairly good bowler, and apparently his tips were really helping as we started the third game. Katie is on fire and I am trailing early. I don't have a problem with a girl beating me but it would sorta be embarrassing a little to have someone who just threw a 27, come back and kick your ass the next game. So we get through 9 frames and I'm losing by 2 pins. 10th frame for all the marbles. I'm up first. As I get up to bowl, Katie leans in and whispers, "Just so you know, I don't even like jelly" I get my usual smirk on my face and step up to take my turn.


I walk back to the chairs and Katie is yelling "Where did that come from?", to which I respond "GET THE JELLY"(leaving out twat, because Katie is not a twat and this was a family bowling establishment). I follow it up with a spare and Katie is laughing too hard to really concentrate on bowling and I end up beating her by a dozen pins. Fun times.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You don't even know