Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So Anyways....

I think I'm good with the weekend before last catch up. There was a pool party the next day before we watched our beloved Tigers get the ever loving tar kicked out of them by Alabama. The notable quote of the day was "Dude chill out, the game doesn't start until 8" when D.P. was about to have an aneurysm because we weren't leaving to go to the party at 11am. It was apparently funny at the time.

So Anyways last weekend started with me dropping my computer off at Best Buy to have the Geek Squad either fix it, or what I like to call "Asking them how much money they want me to burn in front of them". The magic number turned out to be $130, although they really really wanted to do a fun little $80 diagnostic on my three year old computer which I sadly declined. Afterwards I stopped at Barnes and Nobel, because I am terrible with time estimation and while it took a little time for me to tell the Best Buy guy my contact information four times, it didn't take the amount of time to make it logical to head to Clemson already.

Barnes and Nobel sorta sucks. Things are not laid out in a logical way (I had several, oh wow I found this section moments) and the books cost at least 15 to 25% more than they should. However this can be ratified by purchasing their book club card for twenty five frickin dollars a year. I decided to indulge the check out woman and listen to her whole spiel about the program but found myself by the end wondering why I was even buying the Quantum of Solace James Bond book in the first place.

Sadly I still didn't burn enough time but drove to Clemson anyway. Jeb has no problem with me chillin at his place, even though I still feel sorta weird about the idea of chillin there while he isnt there. I let the dogs out, who are all over me the whole time, losing their minds (or whatever is between their ears) and thinking that hanging out with me is the best thing since probably a dog bark they heard through the wall four hours before. I try to read my new book which I find out is not so much the story line of the new movie coming out as it is a collection of short stories, I also find that its impossible to read it with two dogs doing their ever-loving best to be ever-loved. Jeb comes home and we set to work setting up his new baby. Something I forgot to mention about the weekend before.

Jeb got a really frickin big TV.

It got delivered Friday and if it weren't an absolutely beautiful piece of electronics, it would be big enough to make a fairly comfortable twin sized bed. It made my new TV seem like the screen of a portable DVD player. By the time we plug in all the surround sound speakers and video game equipment, the set up is giving off enough heat to cook pizzas on his mantle. The TV is so amazing that there really aren't words for it. It even makes a little sound when turning on that sounds like you are summoning it down from the heavens. We instantly do what any group of guys would do with a new giant Hi-Def TV: we put in Bio Shock to see a life size zombie get shot with a shotgun (what did you think I was going to say?).

The night turned from movie watching and pizza to more downtown madness. We ran into the douchebag that slept with Jeb's ex wife and somehow kept the peace. And after getting far too drunk, we stumbled home. I also remember it being very very hot inside Nick's, I swear that I'm sick or something, no one should sweat that much.

The next day we were supposed to go to C.P.'s tailgate before the Clemson game and ended up so late that I actually got phone calls from the always late C.P., asking where I was. For the majority of the time I was just nursing a hangover and sitting there while the couples made out and talked about where they got their Tupperware. By game time we decided to not search for tickets but just go home instead. Sadly the game was not on TV so I played Mercenaries 2 for a couple hours. I love that game, nothing is really less satisfying then killing off an entire faction base by myself, and then calling in an air strike on their buildings to rub it in.
We ended up going out again because The Katie was super psyched to hit downtown and told us so all day long, over and over and over again. I can't really remember many crazy antics, although apparently Guinness now comes saturated with Nitrogen and is placed on a little launch pad that causes it to get head.
Oh the dreams of a button that causes you to get head. Hell with the Easy button, that's what I want. Although a button that makes women easy...............

1 comment:

Bryan Goldston said...

Thank you for making me super horny at work...when I have to work.