Friday, March 28, 2008

Worldly Thoughts and More Robertson's Reviews

After not posting in a couple days I had some thoughts today at work that I felt I would put into to words to see what everyone else thinks.

First I'm getting sorta tired of these murmurs that we should boycott the upcoming Olympics in China. Just think if you were an athlete at the top of your game and you were chosen to represent your country in the Olympic games only to have your country back out in protest. Its not fair at all to the athletes and honestly no one really cares about Tibet. Its a callous thing to say but its the truth. People act like they are outraged with the whole Tibet situation so they will appear to be a worldly humanitarian and then in the next breath they will buy all the Chinese made goods they possibly can. Damn hypocritical yuppies. Don't take your political correctness out on some kids that just want to do their country proud and run their little hearts out.

Another thing that bothers me is the other controversy about the newest Vogue cover. I don't read Vogue, I don't know what its about, probably fashion or something. But this story is all over the place about how racist the cover is. On the cover is Labron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers with his tongue out dribbling a basketball with his other armed wrapped around the waist of Giselle Bunchen. The writers who think the world should be in a tizzy over this crap feel that it makes Labron look like King Kong, thus like a monkey, and thus is apparently an obvious racial slap in the face to African Americans everywhere. The problem is no one else thinks so. I had to chuckle at the pole beside the article called "Why you should be offended" in which 87% of people who voted, aren't. Way to go chief.

Also on a humorous front, I read an article today saying the Oliver Stone had finished casting for a documentary on George W Bush. Now I like Bush, he seems like a nice guy, but Josh Brolin as George W Bush? Riiiiiiiight.

And now with the reviews:

No Country for Old Men: Josh Brolin(weird coincidence) plays a all around tough guy who comes across a suitcase full of money and gets stalked by a psycho killer(Javier Barbem) while Tommy Lee Jones tries to figure out the whole thing and stop the craziness. This movie is really one of the best I've seen in years. I'm not just saying this because it did so well in the awards, but it really is a great, well written, entertaining movie. The suspense is offset by the fantastic hilarious banter of Tommy Lee Jones' character into something that's really a joy to watch. Javier Bardem's character could go down in movie history as being one of the best villains of all time. I'm going to have to give it a 5 out of 5.

Revolver: Jason Statham plays an ex-con who has learned the secret to winning at everything, but his life is suddenly upended when he gets drug into a plan to take down his former Las Vegas casino boss. I was beginning to think that this movie would never come out in America. I saw this movie a while ago and for some reason it never hit theaters(at least widely) in the US. I love the other Guy Ritchie movies, Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and this movie adds a certain intellectual quality to his previous formula. While I think it doesn't quite hum on all cylinders and he perhaps missed on precisely expressing the message that he wanted to say. The movie sometimes flies so fast that explanations on what is happening are replaced with loud sound effects, a Ritchie recurring element, it hurts this movie more than his others. Its a decent flick and worth checking out. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Wristcutters: Patrick Fugit plays a guy who is so torn up by his girlfriend leaving him that he decides to kill himself. However he ends up in this world much like the one he left, inhabited with all the other suicides. When he hears that his ex has killed herself as well, he goes on a voyage in this wacky world to find her with the help of a Russian rocker and a hitchhiking Shannyn Sossamon (super hot). From the description this movie seems like it would be very much a depressing drama about suicide, but its actually a very very good comedy. From the quirky characters to the random occurrences that happen from time to time, this movie is fantastic. Also there's something about Shannyn Sossamon that I've always found to be mesmerizing. So so hot. Check it out. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Thats it for now, let me know if you want me to check out and review anything else

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