Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Own Worst Enemy

Watching the premier the other night I was troubled. Not because the plot wasn't nearly as tight as it should be. Not because Christian Slater is a fairly poor actor to be undertaking a role that he has to play a guy with multiple personalities when all the characters he plays have the same personality. Not even because a quarter of the episode was an advertisement for Chevy.

No I was worried about Mike O' Malley.
He really appears to be on death's doorstep.
See exhibit A.

Mike O' Malley before, when all he did was shout at kids on Nickelodeon's Guts!

And now just fifteen years later he appears to be 75 and depressed. I think it may be because they don't let him yell as much anymore.

So please NBC, get Mike O' Malley some help. Bruce Campbell isn't even in this bad of shape and you know a guy known for doing B-Movies had to have some pretty dark years. Or at least hire Maura Quirk as a character on the show. If theres anyone that can help him out its Mo.

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