Monday, February 9, 2009

While Barrack Goes On and On....

I will write for yall. Watching him speak, I find that he doesn't really know the meaning of the words "unanimous" or "bipartisan". I'm sorta wondering why he's so insistent in instructing the American people on why the bail out plan is the way to go. It's not like any of us can do anything to stop him, even if we cared to.

But anyway my weekend was pretty darn fun. After last weekend in Clemson, I had no intention to go anywhere else but back to Clemson this weekend. I always have a blast there. So I rolled into Clemson around 7 and even though I did so because I thought that Jeb or BMS would beat me home, I still beat them to their own house. Definite downsides with having crazy jobs teamed with an hour commute (hopefully not for much longer, crossing fingers and such). So I let the dogs out, taking a moment to relish the 60 degree February night overlooking the lake. Moments like that are why I believe that South Carolina is paradise. Of course my moment of reflection was short lived when Trimmy didn't want anything to do with standing around on the porch. I eventually let both dogs back inside where they attacked me while I tried to read a magazine, until Jeb and BMS finally showed up.

The reason Jeb was so late was that he had a little problem with his tire that morning and BMS had to take him to, and pick him up from work. To say that his tire was flat would be the understatement of the year. I have never seen a tire that flat. It looked like he had found out that he had a flat, went out and did high speed donuts on it and then raced it back to the garage on the rim. It was dead as a doornail. He planned to change it out Saturday (and Sunday, but I doubt it happened then either). So by the time they got there, I was starving. But unlike normally, they had a plan on where to go and we went to TD's where far too much fried food was consumed. I have to say though, that they make the best grilled cheese I have ever had in my life. Absolutely amazing.

So after dinner, BMS's abundance of energy had left her quicker than the air in Jeb's tire, and she bid us adieu and we hopped next door to our home away from home, Griffin's. Tony, the owner of Griffin's is a really cool guy and he loves when Jeb and I show up. I don't know if its the abundance of money that we throw down, or just the sheer awesome-ness that we possess, but every time we go there its a great feeling, and I feel kinda like a VIP. We have our usual seats at the end of the bar. The hot bartender ladies love us. Its just a blast the whole time we're there.

Unfortunately Jeb's ex-wife showed up as well and decided to strike up a conversation with Jeb before joining her group of friends. This seemed to really bother Jeb all night, but we still did our best to get by it and have fun. For once Jeb asked to leave before I did and so at about 1 in the morning, we started walking home. We had gotten about half way down the street and I was walking down a little dirt slope when POW down I went. It happened so fast that I was lying on the ground before I knew it. Jeb started laughing as I scrambled back up and I eventually joined him in chuckling as we continued back down the road. It was a hilarious finish to a great evening.

1 comment:

Marth said...

"It's not like any of us can do anything to stop him, even if we cared to."

Seriously? Obama's been trying to convince Congress to pass his stimulus bill for a while now. Every state has at least 5 people voting there. Those people are representing _you_. This isn't a time to play the "my hands are tied" card.