Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Spirit

I don't know whats wrong this year. Usually I'm pumped for Christmas and as a very positive person, I'm usually really feeling great with the general positiveness of the season. This season however, I just can't get into it.

I turned down my mom's offer to get me a little Christmas tree for the apartment.

I've barely even started Christmas shopping. Last year I was pumped to go out and get thoughtful gifts for friends and family, this year I find other things to do and just put it off.

Today at lunch they were playing Christmas music over the speakers at Quiznos and I really contemplated asking them to change the channel.

I even have Christmas lights up on my balcony (in the shape of lobsters!!! My neighbors are coming up with theories on the hidden meaning between the lobsters and the poorly strung light rope.) and it still doesn't help to put me in the Christmas spirit.

This Christmas break is going to be huge, eight days off, and I get to go home and be with the family this year. And still no enthusiasm.

I don't know what it is this year but it just sorta fills me with apathy. I'm not even really sure if I'm bothered by it. It's just kinda strange.

In case you haven't noticed (or complained to me in person), I haven't wrote on here in a long while. The other day C.P. texted me at work and asked me why. So I thought I would share it with yall. The reason that my writing has cut down (aside from laziness) is that it seems so much harder lately to tell a weekend story without cutting out large interesting, fairly funny parts because they could embarrass someone or tick off someone else. Its not even bad things but leaving them out would really make for a bare bones story without the funny anecdotes that I think that everyone who reads this blog enjoys. I can't write about friends fighting, even if their arguments are at times some of the most hilariously pointless fights I've ever heard. And even if I do well with the ladies, I can't really write about it later. It just has seemed so difficult lately to get a great post worthy story up.

That and I'm lazy.

1 comment:

Bryan Goldston said...

How can America's Sweetheart not write about the ladies. That's like Leon Phelps never telling his story!