Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Hinder Factor and Other Thoughts

The other day I was driving back to work at lunch and had a breakthrough thought. If you listen to a Hinder album and can relate to the songs, you are part of a bad relationship. With songs such as Better Than Me, Nothing Good about Goodbye, Lips of an Angel, and How Long (which don't sound very bad with just the titles) the album is a catalogue of relationship woes. Try it out, you could learn things.

Why the heck did they have to cancel Pushing Daisies? For a channel that has such shitty unintelligent shows as Wife Swap and Nanny 911, is it too much to ask that one night a week they put on a show that is actually good. I guess this show shows how stupid the majority of the American television audience are.

Tomorrow, on the 18th of December, its supposed to be 70+degrees in South Carolina. Thank you Jesus for answering my chilly prayers.

I wonder if I made more if I would have more spare money around or if I would just spend more. Sounds like something I wish I could test out.

Speaking of which these commercials that make it look like the thing to do at Christmas is giving away a Lexus or a $3000 ring are pretty unbelievable. While I would love the ability to give away high end automobiles, it sorta seems like bad advertising to believe that you can influence enough of the TV watching public into buying them that you could pay for prime time advertising.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Infused with Goodness

I was determined this weekend to have a great time. While not a horrible week, I wasn't very successful in the major project I had hoped to accomplish. A birthday party for The Katie on Wednesday did a good job on tiding me over to the weekend with a nice infusion of midweek fun (even though The Katie started crying when she saw me at the bar, not very good to see even if its happy tears). When Friday rolled around I had every reason to believe that it would be a fantastic weekend.

After a long nap I figured that showing up by 6 would be plenty of time for Jeb and BMS to get home and start hanging out. With holidays and being in other parts of the state, it would be the first time I'd hung out with Jeb in three weeks and would be the last time I'd see him before New Years. He had also made it clear that Friday would be the only day this weekend that he would be in town, having already committed to two Christmas parties on Saturday. This was fine with me since the epic friends' Christmas was planned (at the last minute) for Saturday afternoon. Anyway I showed up at Casa de Hunter around 6 and as I was pulling in I received a call from Jeb saying that he was still at work. But he encouraged me to go on in and he would be home in a little bit. So I go in and drop off my stuff and let the dogs out of their little cage as they were freaking out with the introduction of a human to their private party. I let them outside and was just sitting down and getting used to them trying to interrupt me reading a magazine when my phone rang.

C.P. had apparently gotten out of work early and had been drinking since 3 in the afternoon. He wanted me to come over and join him in continuing the hitting the bottle. I was greeted by a miniature pint glass of the current Benjamin's Bastard Brew. We played Mario Cart and sipped booze while the rest of the party got to town. An hour and another argument about shoes later (two weeks in a row) we headed downtown to meet Mr. and Mrs. H at Nick's. We were sure however to drive through the drive through of Rite Aid and taunt C.P.'s brother Ginger through the drive through call system (which may or may not have involved the penis game).

Nick's was packed as usual as we had a beer or two and talked about odds and ends and how amazing and unexpected it was that the polo twins are now engaged. Jeb and BMS finally showed up and we headed out to Griffin's (I know there's a pattern here). On the way we ran into Ginger and all gave him a group hug on the sidewalk. The really hot bartender was there as usual (Nicole or Melissa or something like that) and it was time for liquor. I was starving since I thought that I would be getting food at 6 when I showed up at Jeb's. After some buffalo chicken wrap and Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka (feel free to sponsor me Firefly, your shit is delicious) I was talked into leaving Griffin's for TTT's. I was pretty against it except for the part that the only women that were there were the wait staff and the women that we brought.

The ratio was much better at TTT's as we revolved around the place with two different pitchers that I unceremoniously mooched off of (in a good, "here friend have some liquor" kind of way). We eventually found a table and sang, danced and teased into the early morning hours. I may have threatened C.P. with punching when he wouldn't cut out trying to pinch my nipples (in a good, "here friend id prefer if I didn't have to punch you in the face" kind of way). Eventually both couples decided that they were too tired and left (an apparent plus to having a significant other is being able to have an easy excuse to head out). One thing I learned however was normal Mrs. H is funny, drunken Mrs. H is hilarious and makes deep throating motions in a crowded bar. Jeb and I finished the last of the alcohol and he decided that he might have to get up early tomorrow so we headed out. Even though when we got back Jeb beat the new Prince of Persia again before heading to bed (which is a really stupid ending and makes it a waste of a game). I ended up passing out on the sofa as usual.

The next day I woke up sort of early for a Saturday and watched part of a movie while waiting for a ride to my car to drive home. The party was scheduled for 3 at Mr. and Mrs. H's. Fried turkey was promised and Mrs. H is like Martha Stewart so I definitely expected everything to be absolutely unbelievable. So when 3 rolled around I grabbed my Secret Santa gift (I was designated to buy for The Katie, got her this goofy looking snow hat that she could wear in Sweden, it could have been lame but the other women at the party all asked where to get one for themselves, so I either did a fairly good job or they were being nice) and my fairly unsophisticated bottle of wine and headed over. I expected everyone would be super late, but I showed up at quarter after 3 and was at least an hour ahead of the next guest. Seems sorta like a bad thing but it didn't turn out to be that bad as I got to chat with the H's and hear stories from Mrs. H that I wouldn't expect her to say (that involved watching porn). Amazing appetisers and The Katie, C.P., D.P., L.C., and Keihner followed. There was some football throwing, video game playing and something that involved parking a boat. Frying the turkey only caused a small fire and dinner as I predicted was amazing. We ate until we were all stuffed and sat around telling funny stories afterwords. We did the whole secret Santa thing and the polo twins ducked out fairly early. We sat around on the deck for a while when I definitely felt tired enough that I wanted to go home but was met with a lot of resistance (see this is where the significant other comes in handy, no one questions a woman feeling tired and needing to be driven home). There was a bottle of really alcoholic beer that had a hint of brown sugar (not really tasty to me) broken out and split between all of us and I gave my share away. People started to get cold and I thought it was my perfect time to duck out. Unfortunately I wasn't very secretive and my plan was figured out immediately. I still headed out and passed out upon reaching my home.

So apart from a nice trip to Red Robin today with D.P. and L.C. before they drove back to Columbia, and plenty of laundry, that was the weekend. Hope yall enjoyed it as much as I did.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Spirit

I don't know whats wrong this year. Usually I'm pumped for Christmas and as a very positive person, I'm usually really feeling great with the general positiveness of the season. This season however, I just can't get into it.

I turned down my mom's offer to get me a little Christmas tree for the apartment.

I've barely even started Christmas shopping. Last year I was pumped to go out and get thoughtful gifts for friends and family, this year I find other things to do and just put it off.

Today at lunch they were playing Christmas music over the speakers at Quiznos and I really contemplated asking them to change the channel.

I even have Christmas lights up on my balcony (in the shape of lobsters!!! My neighbors are coming up with theories on the hidden meaning between the lobsters and the poorly strung light rope.) and it still doesn't help to put me in the Christmas spirit.

This Christmas break is going to be huge, eight days off, and I get to go home and be with the family this year. And still no enthusiasm.

I don't know what it is this year but it just sorta fills me with apathy. I'm not even really sure if I'm bothered by it. It's just kinda strange.

In case you haven't noticed (or complained to me in person), I haven't wrote on here in a long while. The other day C.P. texted me at work and asked me why. So I thought I would share it with yall. The reason that my writing has cut down (aside from laziness) is that it seems so much harder lately to tell a weekend story without cutting out large interesting, fairly funny parts because they could embarrass someone or tick off someone else. Its not even bad things but leaving them out would really make for a bare bones story without the funny anecdotes that I think that everyone who reads this blog enjoys. I can't write about friends fighting, even if their arguments are at times some of the most hilariously pointless fights I've ever heard. And even if I do well with the ladies, I can't really write about it later. It just has seemed so difficult lately to get a great post worthy story up.

That and I'm lazy.